GST is also known as Goods and Service Tax , passed by indian goverment in the end of last year 2016 . GST has going to be excercise from July 2017 . The finance minister Arun jaitley announced it on May . But, people in india have no clue about what is GST ?. Eventhough, it decreased the rate of tax in some products , still some products having high tax rate . Alcohol and Petroleum products have been not comes under GST. 

For gold tax payable is set only 3% by Indian goverment . But, so shockingly the cinema industry is devastaed by a tax rate of 28 % ,it had been an monstrous decision by finance minister . There are nearly 66 items are covered under GST . Producers and distributors had posed strong condemned for the heavy tax rate . 

The small bussiness owners have fearing that GST might perish their business , so they doesn't support GST bill made by finance minister Arun jaitley . Another feature of GST is the buyer going to be benefited instead of manufacturer . 

Conclusion : Before implementing GST Indian goverment has to educate people about what is GST? . Arun jaitley have to re- analyse the bill and made it accesible to everyone and every field equally or affordable tax rates .


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