Cricket : It is a sport played all around the world . The second most playing game in the world . But cricket is never included in the olympics so far . Because this game took more days to complete whole tournament . Cricket is an dangerous game ever i seen , sometimes cricketers atacked by ball heading towards them and face to death

Nick name : Gentleman game

Eventhough cricket was a dangerous game , for longer period of time cricket   is considred as an "lazy sport" .  Because most of the time players are inactive and stand at constant place due to the way the game played . Today cricket is entering its 140 birthday . Google also designed their homepage in a way to wish cricket's birthday

History of cricket : The first test match was played on march 15 1877 between Aussies and England . The match was played on Melbourne cricket grond ( MCG ), Australia . The first test of the series is won by Aussies . The second match was won by England . Then this competiton is turned into "Ashes' in 1882 .


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