Aadhar card was introduced by indian prime minister Narendra modi ( Baratiya janata party ) after winning the elections held in 2014 . This system brought for targeting the "digitalisation" . The motto was to make it as an people's ID instead of using ration cards and other proofs

                                                   In india people having seperate ID for everything like Ration card , Driving license , Voter id , etc . But aadhar card reduces so many no of cards and make into one . If your details are attached with aadhar ( even bank details ) in future it will act as everything . Everywhere aadhar card is enough to make transactions , for ID purpose , for health details , for your loans , etc .

                                                       Recently indian goverment insisted that aadhar card is must for eating mid day meals for childrens . To ensure & reduce the frauds in schools on mid day meals for childrens . Usually , staffs working in kinder gardens selling the extra goods to markets and making money in it , also they are not regularly providing foods to the children . Schools  also providing fake details and getting extra goods for less no of childrens . To moniter this kind of frauds in schools . Central goverment deployed the aadhar card rule in schools for mid day meals .


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