Yogi Adityanath adressed the assembly for the first time after, he sworn in as Uttar Pradesh chief minister . In his first speech itself , he praised prime minister Narendra Modi and notify him as a global icon . He also told that country's economy was grow up after Modi become Prime Minister of India . 


                                     Adityanath said that uttar pradesh will show rise in economical wealth in the following years and also we will make job opportunities in the state itself . This make uttar pradesh youngsters to work in their same state itself , instead going outside the sate for jobs .  On further proceeding he started talking about Rahul Gandhi and Akilesh Yadav . Speaking to senior congress member Mallikarjun Kharge , he told that he is one year younger to Rahul and one year elder to Akilesh and he come in between them. The five agenda's made by Adityanath was  


1. Praising Modi and his achivements made in the last two and half years.

2. He promised to ensure make more job opportunities for the youths of Uttar pradesh .

3. As centre , NDA will also make efforts to ensure people welfare and work for people's growth .

4. Meanwhile , he noticed that in the two and half years centre ruling BJP goverment gave 2.5 lakh crores to the previous Uttar pradesh goverment , but only half of the money is been spent .

5. NDA  inviting  every parliament member to work for the people welfare of uttar pradesh .



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